What Percentage of Texas Property Tax Protests Are Successful?

Published On: January 10th, 2024Categories: EducationLast Updated: March 11th, 202413.3 min read

About the Author: Nicole Schnell

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A homeowner and professional high five in an office in celebration of a successful Texas property tax protest

Here’s what you need to know about the potential success rate of a Texas property tax protest:

  • A successful property tax protest can never be guaranteed, but you can significantly increase your chances of lowering your tax bill.
  • Your odds of success are influenced by your location, protest strategies, strength of evidence, and whether or not you have representation.
  • Gill, Denson, & Company uses personalized strategies to achieve maximum savings, with 83% of our clients seeing positive results in 2022.

Why Is It So Important to Protest?

County appraisal districts assess property values and determine taxes using flawed mass appraisal methods, often relying on outdated or incorrect data. Protesting your property taxes challenges the assessment, potentially saving you hundreds on your annual tax bill. Even a small reduction in your assessed value can make a significant difference and set a precedent for next year. So, what are your odds of success in doing this?

What Percentage of Texas Property Tax Protests Are Successful?

A successful property tax protest depends on various factors, and a reduction in your tax bill can never be guaranteed. At Gill, Denson & Company, we’ve tackled tens of thousands of Texas protests over the years, developing innovative strategies that deliver real tax relief for our clients. In 2022, we helped 83% of our clients successfully protest their properties. Before diving into how we achieved this, let’s first take a look at what factors influence your chances of a successful protest.

What Factors Influence Success?

Navigating a Texas property tax protest requires a nuanced understanding of all the factors that can affect your success. While it may seem like a straightforward process — proving that your assessed value is incorrect — the reality is more complex. Here are some key factors to consider:

  • Location: County appraisal districts have different policies, procedures, and market conditions influencing their decisions. A successful strategy in one county may not yield the same results in another.
  • Reason for Protesting: Some protest reasons are more compelling than others and can lead to a higher reduction. Identify which ones are worth the time and resources to pursue.
  • Protest Strategies: Your strategy is more than just your reason for protesting. It should involve in-depth research and analysis of your property and the local market.
  • Strength of Evidence: Building a successful case requires thorough documentation and a clear presentation of the discrepancies in your assessed value. The stronger your evidence, the more compelling your argument for reducing your tax burden.
  • Representation: An experienced professional has the advanced skills necessary to navigate an often complex protest process. They can optimize your protest strategy and maximize your savings potential.

Rather than viewing these factors as barriers, look at them as opportunities to improve your results. Seek the guidance of a professional who understands the nuances of your unique situation. They’ll not only enhance your chances of success but also simplify the process, paving the way for a stress-free path to a lower tax bill.

How Does Gill, Denson, & Company Help Me Succeed?

At Gill, Denson, & Company, our commitment to your success goes beyond the standard approach. We tailor personalized strategies specifically for your unique situation, investing more time and resources per client than many of our competitors. Rather than settling for the minimum reduction, our goal is to secure the best possible savings for you. Whether you own a single-family home, townhome, condo, or a multi-family residence, hotel, or retail space—our expertise spans all residential and commercial property types in all 254 Texas counties.

A word of caution: Be wary of companies that make promises of success or provide savings estimates without thoroughly researching your situation. For a deeper understanding of our approach to Texas property tax protests and our success stories, we encourage you to explore our case studies.

Get started with Gill, Denson, & Company today to work on lowering your property tax bill! Our team of experts is ready to help you get the tax breaks you deserve.

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